The Cochrane Library


Did you know?

•           The 2014 Impact Factor for the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) increased from 5.939 to 6.035.

•             The CDSR is ranked 13th (of 153) in the Medicine, General & Internal category.

•             The 5-Year Impact Factor is 6.536.

Health professionals, policy makers, patients, and their care givers often have to make important decisions on health care treatments and interventions. This can be a difficult task considering the enormous amount of information that exists on health care issues. How can they determine which sources provide reliable information? The Cochrane Library is the best single source of reliable research evidence for making health care decisions. It comprises the following:

  • Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane Reviews)
  • Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (Other Reviews)
  • Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
  • Cochrane Methodology Register (Methods Studies)
  • Health Technology Assessment Database (Technology Assessments)
  • NHS Economic Evaluation Database (Economic Evaluations)


One Click Free Access

Cochrane and John Wiley & Sons provide free access to over a 100 World Bank Listed low-income countries including Nigeria. No registration or subscription is needed. To access the libary visit click here.   To view the list of countries eligible for free one-click access to the Cochhrane Library in 2016 click here.


Academic, government and research institutions in Nigeria may also access the Cochrane Library and a host of other journals and medical literature at no charge, through the Health Internetwork Access to Research Initiatives (HINARI) which is a partnership led by the World Health Organization. Free access to the literature is provided to countries which are classified according to the World Bank list of low-income countries.

To access the Cochrane Library through HINARI, a registration form must be completed by the institution. To register click here.